Related Resources: Statics

Engineering Statics Equations and Basics Equation and Calculator

Engineering Statics
Machine Design and Engineering
Structural Anaylsis

Engineering Statics Basics Equations and Calculators

Open Engineering Statics Modeler and Resultant Loads Solver - Premium Account Required

Static's 2D Force Components in XY Plane

Statics Force Components in XY Plane

Preview: Static's 2D Force Components in XY Plane Calculator

Fx = F · cos θx = F · sin θy

Fy = F · sin ⁡θx = F · cos ⁡θy

F = [ Fx2 + Fy2 ]1/2

tan θx = Fy / Fx

3D Statics Components of Force

3D Statics Components of Force

Preview: Static 3D Force Components in XYZ Plane Calculator

Fx = F · cos θx

Fy = F · cos ⁡θy

Fz = F · cos ⁡θz

F = [ Fx2 + Fy2 + Fz2 ]1/2

cos θx = Fx \ F

cos ⁡θy = Fy \ F

cos ⁡θz = Fz \ F

Types of Supports used in Statics Free Body Diagram

There are 5 main types of supports.

  • Fixed end - This support prevents rotation, horizontal and vertical translation. By doing so it can be determined that the support will have a moment, and a horizontal and vertical force component.
  • Pinned - The reaction forces for this support consist of a horizontal force and vertical force. This support does not have a moment because the support does not resist rotation.
  • Roller - This support only has one reaction force which is a vertical force. This support only has one reaction force because it does not resist rotation or movement in the horizontal direction.
  • Link - This support has a resultant support reaction which can consist of components vertically and horizontally.
  • Rocker - Like the roller, this support also has a single reaction force which is a vertical force because is does not resist rotation and horizontal translation.

Statics Types of Supports

Trigonometry Cheat Sheet

Trigonometry Cheat Sheet
