Engineering Design Data: Menu - weld

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Design of Fillet Weld Sizes by Rule-of-Thumb
Designing Welded Joints Selection and Design of fillet weld sizes by rule-of-thumb (all dimensions in mm)
Spacing of Intermittent Welds Table
Typical Length and Spacing of Intermittent Welds Table and Formula - R in % = [ calculated leg size (continuous) ] / [ actual leg size used (intermittent) ]
Shielded-Arc Flush Steel Welds Strength Table
For bare electrode welds, the allowable stress must be multiplied by 0.8 and for gas welds, they should be multiplied by 0.8 to 0.85.
Design Stresses for Welds Bare and Covered Electrodes
Design stresses for welds made with mild-steel electrodes and Fatigue Stress Concentration Factors.
Static load per linear cm of weld
Allowable static load per linear cm of weld - Allowable loads on mild-steel fillet welds
Stress in Ellipsoidal Head Seam Equations and Calculator
Stress in Ellipsoidal Head Seam Equation and Calculator
Stress in Sphere and Hemispherical Head Seam Equation and Calculator
Stress in Sphere and Hemispherical Head Seam Equation and Calculator
Stress in Cylindrical Shell Long Seam Equations and Calculators
The stress in the girth seam will govern only when the circumferential join efficiency is less than one - half the longitudinal joint efficiency, or when the internal pressure additional loadings (wind load, reaction of saddles) are causing longitudinal bending or tension .
Welded Joint Efficiency Table Recommendations
Welded joint efficiency table recommendations.Weld Joints and their general efficiency (recommendation, consult ASME pressure vessel code or similar application standards when required).
Minimum Fillet Weld Size per AWS D1.1 Table
When weld fillet size is not specified on engineering drawing, the following general guidance apply per. AWS D1.1.
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