Related Resources: math

Visual Math Formula Creator and Editor

Engineering Visual Math Formula Creator and Editor

“ This WYSIWYM editor (What You See Is What You Mean) favors the semantics while providing comfort worthy of a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) "intuitive" interface: the user sees directly on the screen will look like the final result.     ”

Visual Math Editor with Example #1

Visual Math Editor with Example #2

Visual Math Editor Enter equation and edit

How to create a line break?

On the next logical line enter \\

How to accepted to save editor options in cookie files?

VME menu:
  1. Go to [Option > Editor parameters...] menu.
  2. On [Editor parameters...] window, Tick the check box [Save options on my computer in a coocke file] .
  3. Close the window with the [Close] button.

How to change editor style?

VME menu:
  1. Go to [Option > Chose your style] menu.
  2. On [Chose your style] window, chose the style that you want for the editor.
  3. Close the window with the [Close] button.

How to insert a equation sample?

VME menu:
  1. Go to [Insert > Equation] menu.
  2. On [Equation] window, chose the equation that you want to insert in the editor.
  3. By clicking on the equation you insert the equation in the editor.
  4. You can close the window with the [X] button or minimize the window by with the [^] button.
VME context menu:
  1. Rigth click on the editor
  2. Chose [Equation] on the context menu.
  3. On [Equation] window, chose the equation that you want to insert in the editor.
  4. By clicking on the equation you insert the equation in the editor.
  5. You can close the window with the [X] button or minimize the window by with the [^] button.
VME equations samples window:
  1. Go to [Informations > Equations samples] menu.
  2. On [Equations samples] tab, chose the equation that you want to insert in the editor.
  3. By clicking on the equation you insert the equation in the editor.
  4. Close the window with the [X] button.
