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Re: arc reversals
Re: arc reversals -- ken Post Reply Top of thread Forum
Posted by: John-Paul Belanger

03/25/2003, 21:10:54

Hmm... I suspect you are asking because the reversal idea is mentioned regarding the Controlled Radius (CR) concept. GD&T callouts like profile can control arcs, but they don't say anything about arc reversal.A reversal is where a curve "turns back on itself". Imagine the letter "S". The top arc of the S sweeps one way, but then at the midpoint the arc begins to sweep the other way to form the bottom part of the "S". There's probably a more mathematical definition that gets into "inflection points" and the slope of a tangent line at each point along the arc. A reversal would then be where the slope levels out and then turns back to a slope that it already had.It's a hard question to answer in just a text message, but I hope that helps!

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