Engineers Edge

Engineering and Technology News

UK Durability & Weld Fatigue Seminars from Safe Technology

Your chance to attend two weld fatigue and durability seminars presented by noted fatigue & durability authority, Professor John Draper, CEO of Safe Technology Limited (UK) and Dr Pingsha Dong, Technical Director of Welded Structures Research at the Battelle Institute (USA) and the lead researcher behind VerityT. These seminars explore the modern theories and practical application of Durability and Weld Fatigue and offer an introduction to fe-safeT and VerityT in fe-safeT.

The benefits of the VerityT method include: · The equivalent structural stress is calculated at the weld, not at some distance from it · A single S-N curve can be used, so there is no need to 'classify' the welded joint · The method is insensitive to the mesh density and element types used in the FEA · The same S-N curve can be used for structural welds in thin and thick plate, and to seam welds, spot welds, laser welds and other weld types. VerityT takes the subjectivity out of the fatigue analysis of welded joints.

Durability by Design - An introduction to fe-safeT and the VerityT methodology

Date: Monday June 26

Venue: Holiday Inn, Birmingham Airport, UK

Presented by: Professor John Draper, Safe Technology Ltd

Dr Pingsha Dong, Battelle Institute


The seminar will cover: problems that can now be solved using durability analysis software for FEA models. A technology update in key areas of fatigue analysis is provided: multiaxial fatigue, effects of temperature, notch sensitivity and residual stresses; Why traditional methods of metal fatigue analysis get it wrong; An introduction to modern methods of metal fatigue analysis and why they get it right; An introduction to VerityT; An introduction to using fe-safe and the VerityT module with FEA software; A live demo of fe-safeT and VerityT in fe-safe·

fe-safeT - the leading durability analysis software for FEA models. fe-safeT incorporates the most sophisticated fatigue analysis technology available in commercial software. As a result, fe-safe is changing the way design engineers perceive fatigue analysis software tools. Professor John Draper will provide a technology update on modern methods of metal fatigue and live demo of fe-safeT.

VerityT is the revolutionary structural stress method developed by Battelle for fatigue of welded structures. VerityT has won several prestigious industry awards and has been showcased in articles in both Business Week and Time magazines. Dr Pingsha Dong will give an overview of the method and show its advantages in terms of accuracy and ease of application.

Who should attend: Design and Test Engineers responsible for product durability in the ground vehicle, aerospace and manufacturing industries interested in durability analysis and fatigue welded structure. No previous knowledge of fatigue is necessary.

Recent Advances in Weld Fatigue Research and An Introduction to the Structural Stress Method and VerityT

Date: Tuesday June 27th

Venue: Holiday Inn, Birmingham Airport, UK

Presented by: Dr Pingsha Dong, Battelle

Fee: £250 plus VAT

This course provides a unique opportunity for attendees to learn about the most powerful structural stress method developed to date for fatigue evaluation of welded structures, from its mechanics basis, numerical implementation and mesh-insensitivity, to S-N data correlations and life predictions. Participants will become familiar with some of the most important issues associated with fatigue of welded joints and existing design and analysis methods.

Participants will be trained to:

Understand the state of art analysis techniques for welded structures
Solve basic fatigue design problems
Effectively interpret lab fatigue test design
Perform CAE fatigue life estimations for small-scale fatigue problems
Who should attend: Design and Test Engineers responsible for durability of welded structures

For further information or to book your place today, please contact Wendy Vaughan at wvaughan???

Modified by Administrator at Fri, Sep 08, 2006, 16:19:38

05/24/2006, 06:50:10

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