Hello Ladies and Gents

I fine myself in a very odd place. I'm a recent retiree from the Water & Wastewater Industry, 40 years, have Class IV certificates Water Treatment, Wastewater Treatment and Water Distribution. I live in Alaska and kind of fell into the Swimming Pool industry by default. All the mechanical equipment, filters and chemistry equipment are identical, only significantly smaller in size. Most of the work I've been asked to help with are commercial size swimming pools 250K+.

What I'm looking for is a Mechanical Engineering software program that is simple enough for someone just barely above layman. The client would like to see if a new filter can fit into an existing space (a sunken pit) without having to rebuild the entire mechanical room area

I'd like to use something more accurate than a tape measure to verify that it's even possible. There is an existing square vacuum filter in the pit now which leads me to believe that the structure will handle the weight. We realize that hiring an Engineering firm is an eventuality, we just want to make sure its even feasible before we are spending money down that path.

Any reasonable suggestions would be appreciated.
