Hi and welcome to the forum.
4130 is considered more of a medium carbon steel. It's not a spring steel but it's pretty tough stuff. It machines very nicely. If you're threading it in a hardened state you'll need a good tap or die but turning or boring it hard is piece of cake. You will probably have a hard time buying it pre-hard in tube form. That to say... if you're looking for its highest strength you might need to heat treat it. If you're bending it this complicates things some. You will need to do your finish machining and threading after heat treat (if you need the added yield etc... ) so odds are you'll need to bend it after the machining and therefor bend it hard. It'll bend fine to a point... but you'll need a little more tonnage. If you're flattening then this changes things...
A sketch could help...
Far as you heating the part goes.... Are you planning on heat treating this yourself? If so I can give you some temps etc. and tempering temps and times, but sometimes it's best to let a heat treating house handle it if you aren't really equipped to do it. Heat treating houses have means to reduce distortion and they do this stuff everyday. It's not very expensive to have done.
Good Luck,