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Thread: Good reference book for material selection

  1. #1
    Associate Engineer
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Good reference book for material selection

    Hi Everyone,

    I am basically a post graduate student trying to set up my own business. Its a mechanical based business. I come across activities like material selection, fabrication, machining & installation and commissioning. In short turnkey projects.

    Since my activities are customer based so I have to refer different standards American / British / German / Indian Standards (Primarily all the 4 standards).

    So my dilemma is can any one suggest me such a reference books or links which cover the basic parameters like (Chemical composition & mechanical properties i.e. tensile, elongation etc)

    The basic need is, if a customer states (for example 1000 UTS then I can find equivalent material in the corresponding (American / British / German / Indian) Standards. Both the chemical & physical properties should be comparable to give an equivalent material.

    Basic standardized books with American / British / German / Indian standards into consideration will be helpful.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Technical Fellow
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Welcome to the forum, and Kelly is probably one of the best to answer your specifics.

    I think you will pretty much draw a blank on a Utopian general reference book. Probably the best you can do is to get as many spec sheets from as many manufacturers as you can. You cold of course purchase the Technical Specs books from the relevant Standards Institutions of the Countries you are working with, but that will run to some big bucks.

    Probably best to take it on an ad-hoc basis job by job and build your own reference bookshelf from manufacturers specs as each job comes in.

  3. #3
    Technical Fellow Kelly_Bramble's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Bold Springs, GA
    My best suggestion is matweb dot com....

  4. #4
    Associate Engineer
    Join Date
    May 2013
    @ Kelly: I have been referring the site for quite some time now. But there are certain constrains as mentioned by me all 4 standards are not mentioned.American / British / German / Indian standards.It has predominately data of American Standards. :(

    @PinkertonD: This is the crude method which I am already following. Collection of all the data sheet at one go is impossible.. So I am starting Job basis. But was looking forward towards some reference book or links if I am missing out any.

    Thanks pal for your advice

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