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Thread: Just graduated,need some honest advice!

  1. #1

    Just graduated,need some honest advice!

    Hello all,

    I have just graduated with my 4 year degree in Civil Engineering from a large state school. Forgive me but I'd like to keep this rather anonymous so I don't want to name names. I have received my 1st offer for a job at a private consulting firm in the NW area and I was disappointed when I read the offer. The biggest thing that has me thinking about whether to accept is the hourly wage they offered me. It is significantly lower then what I was expecting and quite honestly I was making just a few bucks less as an intern these last couple years. The last thing I wanna do is decline the offer and not find work for the next few months since I know it is still hard times for someone like me to even find a job.

    What should I expect as an hourly wage for a private consulting firm in the NW area for someone fresh out of college? I know the cost a living in certain areas will make it fluctuate a few dollars, but is there a $$ amount I should be saying no to and what would that be?

    Any advice here would really help! Even how to negotiate my wage to get it up more...

    I am still great full for this opportunity don't get me wrong I just have no experience in this matter what so ever and I wouldn't know good from bad right now if it were starring me in face.

    Thanks Guys!

  2. #2
    Technical Fellow jboggs's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Myrtle Beach, SC
    You don't mention what you fellow graduates are seeing for offers. Doesn't the school have placement office? What do they say?

  3. #3
    Technical Fellow Kelly_Bramble's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Bold Springs, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by EngineerGuy View Post
    I have received my 1st offer for a job at a private consulting firm in the NW area and I was disappointed when I read the offer. The biggest thing that has me thinking about whether to accept is the hourly wage they offered me. It is significantly lower then what I was expecting and quite honestly I was making just a few bucks less as an intern these last couple years.
    Welcome to EE..

    You did not state exactly what your wage expectations are however it is not uncommon for new graduates to question job pay and opportunities.

    Here are the facts of life

    1. Understand that most educational organizations are businesses and their intent is profit for the organization and the individuals whom work there.
    2. There is a lot of misinformation about what one can expect in terms of opportunity and pay when one graduates with a degree. No, you are not likely to be CEO, have an expensive sports car, or be placed in charge of critical business functions soon after you enter the job market. You will have to compete and work your way into these roles.
    3. The cost of everything is people (wages); organizations need to keep operating costs minimal so that they can compete in their market space. They are not going to throw money at you…
    4. You’re a new graduate with little or no experience and that degree you earned does not make you an expert whom can command a high wage. You have a lot to learn yet.
    5. The economy is not back to full employment levels … yet. Until then, organizations will be keeping wages and hiring at minimal levels. I don’t expect wages to catch up with inflation until we have full employment which will put an upward pressure on wages. See line item 3.

    Here’s the good news

    1. A college degree does open doors of opportunity.
    2. Most organizations are more likely to give a college degreed person an opportunity for advancement than a non-college degreed person.
    3. A college degree is perception, and for some perception is reality.
    4. You're educated - this in itself is competitive advantage for many.

    1. Good luck

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