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Thread: Kelly, is this Anarchy?

  1. #1
    Technical Fellow
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    Kelly, is this Anarchy?

    In a moment of weakness and in the hope to appear a more relaxed and useful contributor, I decided I might add an Avatar to show my softer side.

    Alas, the board settings appear to be against me. Surely you are not getting a lot of spammers with Avatars enabled as you do/did with the Signatures? Oh, the humanity!

    I just tried to upload a .jpg to show you that there is no option to change the Avatar situation but now I get an error in the "Manage attachments," and "Upload from Computer" with "406 Error" then "text= error #2038."

    I clicked "Upload the file" and it presents with an orange exclamation mark at the end of the line and will not let me use the pic. I can't be bothered to put the pic on photobucket and try the website-link option. Software is supposed to do work for me, not the other way around.

    The "Manage attachments" seems to be horribly deficient in that I can't see how to delete very old pics in the list either.

    I am so humbled!

  2. #2
    Technical Fellow Kelly_Bramble's Avatar
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    A 406 error is my server telling you "I have what you asked for, but you won't accept it". Now, I would never suggest that your computer is locked down tighter than an Air force base in Iraq, but...

    I'll take a look at it tomorrow morning, I am curious as to what Avatar you might have though.. A picture of a Firefox browser, surrounded with a concrete wall topped with barb-wire maybe?

  3. #3
    Technical Fellow Kelly_Bramble's Avatar
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    Ok Dave, I can't get this Avatar thing to break for me... I've checked and tested everything...

    Can you try a different computer? Like your great - great - great grand childrens computer and see if it works there (Ha Ha, I crack me up)?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelly Bramble View Post
    I am curious as to what Avatar you might have though.. A picture of a Firefox browser, surrounded with a concrete wall topped with barb-wire
    Kelly, I said a softer side, I did not say I wanted to indicate I was a blubbering do-good Samaritan.

    This computer is totally unlocked to this site and has been since day one. I happen to have a virtual PC on it and will use FFox within that and see what's what. That virtual PC is running windows-95 will that be old enough to qualify me for grandchilders status?

    Generally, I will not give you the answer to your question, but I will guide you into discovering how to solve this yourself.
    Insanity: "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

  5. #5
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    OK, here's the image I was trying to upload. It shows only a "Do not use Avatars" radio button and no other buttons to change that setting. This is a completely open and vulnerable set-up in the Virtual Machine.

    Exactly the same result. Same exclamation, same error message.

    Let me go try from the garage a CNC Mill that is running win98 and also no internet protection. In fact I will have to first connect it to the internet.

    OK, I noticed in the "Add Files" there is a "Basic Uploader" option so this time I used it and bingo, everything is happy with the world. See, it is not me and my cautious approach to life on the Internet. I will go back to the main Vista machine and try using the basic uploader there.

    Upon proffering, apologies will be duly accepted and slurs to my may ancient status should also be withdrawn.

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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelly Bramble View Post
    Ok Dave, I can't get this Avatar thing to break for me... I've checked and tested everything...
    I am guessing, "almost" everything. LOL

    Back with Vista and FFox 3.6.18 and the basic uploader

    Taaaaa daaaahhh!
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  7. #7
    Technical Fellow Kelly_Bramble's Avatar
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    Ok, I got to go to a granddaughter birthday pizza party. - I have another look at it when I get back...

  8. #8
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    That's cool, no rush, oh, and by the way, "Reset Fields" did nothing in Vista or the Virtual Machine.

  9. #9
    Technical Fellow Kelly_Bramble's Avatar
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    Dave, I think I got figured out. Two things where going on. First, I had "Custom Avatars" options turned off for registered users. I had an option for avatars turned on for regular users but it was so that one could use uploaded approved avatars - not custom. So, this whole issue was my fault....

    Also, I changed your password, so you will need to reset your password. I did have your user data sent to you, so check your email and reset your password.

    Second, within your "Settings" link - sub-link "General Settings", you had "Show Avatars" not checked - I changed it..

    Ok, let me know if there are any other issues... BTW, Marky and I are moderators - would you like to be one as well?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelly Bramble View Post
    BTW, Marky and I are moderators - would you like to be one as well?
    Thanks Kelly,

    That seems to work now. I had avatars turned off in General as I wasn't using one, but didn't get far enough into the process to warrant going in and turning that "feature" on.

    You make moderating sound like a privilege LOL I have not been a moderator on a forum for many many years and from what I have heard over recent years it is not a lot of fun any more.

    Having said that I would be honored to give it shot. Happy to help if I can.

    I am changing my email here as Yahoo is forcing their new interface on all accounts at the end of this month. I do not want all the claptrap that comes with it. I don't do the twitter, facebook, myspace, texting and Instant Message fluffy time wasters. It seems this new interface almost demands it, so bye bye yahoo for me.

    Sooo, give me until tomorrow to set up a new account, maybe gmail, and change the email here as I am not going back to the yahoo account.

    You have a small piece of Pizza stuck to your face, just near the corner of your mouth.


  11. #11
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    OK, all is well with the World, I have updated the email address here.

    Last edited by PinkertonD; 07-03-2011 at 08:22 AM.

  12. #12
    Project Engineer CCR5600Design's Avatar
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    Wow... we have avatars!

    Dave, thanks for initiating the process.


  13. #13
    Technical Fellow Kelly_Bramble's Avatar
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    Well folks, if you haven’t figured it out, I've been thinking for some time now that the custom avatars function worked... In fact I have been wondering why nobody else had posted their avatars...

    So, there you have it, when you think you done it right, pow! your wrong…

    Anyway, I wonder what else doesn’t work around here…. Hint, hint .

    Quote Originally Posted by CCR5600Design View Post
    Wow... we have avatars!

    Dave, thanks for initiating the process.


  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by CCR5600Design View Post
    Dave, thanks for initiating the process.
    My pleasure Ron, but I have to say it was a totally self-serving motivation. I thought if I could get my Big Black Dog's cute head up there, people may be lulled into thinking I am not such a grumpy old fart if something as cute as the BBD likes me.

    I do worry what people think about me. LOL Ha Ha, Kelly you are not the only narcissist who laughs at his own humor. I crack me up sometimes.

    Generally, I will not give you the answer to your question, but I will guide you into discovering how to solve this yourself.
    Insanity: "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelly Bramble View Post
    I wonder what else doesn’t work around here…
    You taking cheap shots at Retired folk again, Kelly?

    Old Bill Cosby joke...
    Shop class Teacher: "Whoever broke the grinder must have a terrible and rotten Mother for letting them hide and not own up to their mistakes."
    Shop class Student: "I didn't break the grinder and stop talking about my Mother like that."

    Lemme know about the Moderating thing.

    Generally, I will not give you the answer to your question, but I will guide you into discovering how to solve this yourself.
    Insanity: "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
    Last edited by PinkertonD; 07-05-2011 at 10:07 AM. Reason: Dyslexia - "won" instead of "own"

  16. #16
    Technical Fellow Kelly_Bramble's Avatar
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    Well, OK I flipped the Moderator switch on you Dave. Your member status should update next post. You know the rules....

    You might want to explore the moderator buttons in the test area... If you like I'll spam the board for you to practice...

    For obvious spam, I do a complete delete and ban the user as well. These functions are accessible in two different areas, you'll find them.

    Let me know if you have any challenges. BTW, I'm off to Buffalo, NY tomorrow I'll check in late afternoon.
    Last edited by Kelly_Bramble; 07-05-2011 at 07:14 PM.

  17. #17
    Project Engineer CCR5600Design's Avatar
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    heh heh heh....

    I vaguely remember something about the inmates running the asylum...


  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by CCR5600Design View Post
    I vaguely remember something about the inmates running the asylum...
    Well, Ron, as my first job, you are banned for 30-days. Woo hooo the Power, the power...

    Nah, just kidding -- I think.

    Generally, I will not give you the answer to your question, but I will guide you into discovering how to solve this yourself.
    Insanity: "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelly Bramble View Post
    Well, OK I flipped the Moderator switch on you Dave.
    Sniffle, sob, that's cruel trick to play on an old man... LOL

    The "switch" may be broken!
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  20. #20
    Technical Fellow Kelly_Bramble's Avatar
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    I have you checked off as a moderator on all forums - so, I don't know...

    There's a good chance that I don't know what I am doing.. Your settings are the same as Marky and mine - I'll keep looking and see what I can figure out as this thing is complicated.

    Signing out for now...

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