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Thread: Distracted Driving?

  1. #1
    Technical Fellow
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Distracted Driving?

    Is it just me getting older and grumpier, (friends suggest not possible) but are 7-second videos going to lead to a whole new depth of dangerous driving?

    If distracted for a few seconds to read or type is already regarded as dangerous, then distracted for 7-seconds...
    30mph x 7 seconds = 308 Feet
    45mph x 7seconds = 462 Feet

    Just asking ya know?

  2. #2
    Kelly_Bramble's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    Bold Springs, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by PinkertonD View Post
    Is it just me getting older and grumpier, (friends suggest not possible) but are 7-second videos going to lead to a whole new depth of dangerous driving?

    If distracted for a few seconds to read or type is already regarded as dangerous, then distracted for 7-seconds...
    30mph x 7 seconds = 308 Feet
    45mph x 7seconds = 462 Feet

    Just asking ya know?
    Yes, just keep your eyes on the road....

  3. #3
    Project Engineer CCR5600Design's Avatar
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    Central USA
    ... and your hands up on the wheel.

  4. #4
    Lead Engineer RWOLFEJR's Avatar
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    Rochester Pennsylvania

    Yeah, we're goin' to the Roadhouse... We're gonna have a real ... Good time.

    Kidding aside... It's a problem of epidemic proportions. We've all seen it going on. I'd guess I've seen people driving looking down... appearing to be text-ing... at least a couple hundred times maybe a few hundred in the last maybe five or ten years. Was rear-ended once by a woman on the phone... Rolled her hood and fenders right up under my old high-boy. Was run off the road by a kid with his phone up on top of the steering wheel texting away. I've received text messages from people that I knew were driving when they sent them. I've later told them they need to knock off the texting while driving and they do the little shrug and smirk thing and say "I know..."

  5. #5
    Kelly_Bramble's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    Bold Springs, GA
    What really bug’s me are folks driving fast in parking lots or other places where it is impossible to know what surprises may walk out in front of them.

    Here in the state of Georgia, we have a law established that pedestrians always the right-of-way. Ultimately this law places one's body before ones vehicle and right-of-way.
    Just last week I almost got run over in a Walmart parking lot while exiting. Didn’t give the guy a second look as he was old enough to know better.

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