This project may be clear in your mind, but you have not even come close to describing what you are requesting assistance with.
What does it matter if the track weighs 750-lb?
"It runs on a sprocket..." What is "it?"
How can "it" run on a sprocket? A chain can run on a sprocket.
Where is the belt? What is it's purpose?
If it is a "road wheel" then how is it running on a belt?
28 degrees from what? Vertical? Horizontal? The angle of the bridge of my nose?
You need to post a drawing, sketch or a picture. So far, to this feeble old mind, none of what you have outlined makes any sense.
I fear for the future of Engineering. :O
Generally, I will not give you the answer to your question, but I *will* guide you into discovering how to solve this yourself.
Insanity: "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein