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Thread: Need info on Gas Turbine Factory Acceptance Test (help!)

  1. #1
    Associate Engineer
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Need info on Gas Turbine Factory Acceptance Test (help!)

    Dear fellow engineers,

    Just a brief info about myself. Basically I am a young engineer, just graduated and currently working for an oil and gas company. Recently the project I am involved in acquire a new engine (via engine exchange ) with a Gas Turbine vendor.I was assigned to go for FAT/ visit to the vendor factory to witness tests , etc on the newly acquired engine.

    Just wondering, since I am still new, I need to know certain info regarding the FAT trip :-

    1) the tests that are normally and usually conducted during FAT for Gas Turbine and
    2) the significance/purpose of those tests and also on the FAT.
    3) I also heard there will be a turbine package assembly inspection during the visit. What activities will be conducted during this inspection and
    4) the significance / purpose of the activities for the said inspection

    Due to my inexperience, hopefully you guys can assist me, help me out on the info requested and give me a few pointers here and there.

    Really appreciate the help and Thanks in advance!



  2. #2
    Associate Engineer
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Just to add,

    The vendor provide the activities below during testing.

    - Start sequence and safeties verification.
    - pre-lube verification.
    - seal and rotor break-in.
    - engine / accessory gearbox break-in.
    - hot restarts.
    - mechanical acceptance requirements.
    - cold starts.
    - lightoff and acceleration.
    - deceleration.
    - oil leakage observation.
    - lube oil system limits.
    - turbine cooling system parameters.
    - engine vibration limits.

    Just wondering, with the info provided by the vendor above on the tests that will be conducted during the visit on the engine, could you guys enlighten me on the activities mentioned ? ... basically the significance of the activities mentioned and what I should concentrate/focus on during the tests.

    Really appreciate the help and looking forward to some reply. Thanks in advance ! =)

    By the way, I have already ask, they are unable to provide me the FAT procedure for the said testing.


  3. #3
    Technical Fellow
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Hi Ric,

    This is pretty much out of my area of expertise and I am not sure where t suggest you look for guidance. I commend your diligence in seeking out what is important for the testing process rather than just accepting what the manufacturer thinks you should need to see.

    Many many years back I was an observer on a turbine test, in fact more like an idle spectator. A very interesting process, but to be honest I had no real idea of what was going on. Lotta noise and often smoke of various color shades from gray, blue to black.

    Not very helpful, but thought I would at least let you know you thread has been given some thought.
    Last edited by PinkertonD; 11-18-2012 at 09:41 AM. Reason: Speeling

  4. #4
    Technical Fellow Kelly_Bramble's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    Bold Springs, GA

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