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  1. Sch160 2 1/2 pipe process/material for application
  2. what parts do i need to build something that can store and release air pressure?
  3. L metal and section modulus
  4. How to design card that makes sound?
  5. Decoupling Capacitors on PCB Design
  6. How Snap Beads / Pop Beads are made
  7. Free Standing Privacy Fence - Wind Loading
  8. Finding thermal contact resistance of a cold plate
  9. Mechanical Design
  10. project
  11. Help with Rebuilding 80T 4-Post Hydraulic Press
  12. Help with a Dual Input Cycle Timer
  13. Engineers Help
  14. Flexing of steel plate
  15. Simplified mechanic model of a stacker
  16. Clamping unit wanted
  17. Can I call myself an engineer with no qualifications?
  18. Locking mechanism in rack and pinion
  19. One piston engine, silent exhaust
  20. Brewery Question
  21. I have an Engineering Math Puzzle
  22. Ratchet Strap Problem
  23. Help on Steel plate Weight limits cantilever
  24. Angle Iron vs. acrow props
  25. PLEASE HELP - How is this steel part of a knee brace manufactured?
  26. Linear Motion X Y Axis
  27. How do I launch a 60kg object 6 metres at 45 degrees
  28. Steel plate Bending or shear failure question
  29. Part Holding Fixture
  30. Presswork or Drawing Tools
  31. Changing out for a new gearbox...
  32. Heat Loss in gas flow through Pipe
  33. Cross between 3D printer and inkjet?
  34. A325 Type 3 bolts, Coating?
  35. newbie here.....how to accurately measure distances of around 30 feet ??
  36. Equations about speed of sound in the long pipe
  37. Electric Hole Puncher
  38. How to find roll center for a vehicle with infinite instant centers in the suspension
  39. My Central Pneumatic air compressor machine creates smoke
  40. How a propeller blade is resisted by various viscosity?
  41. Non-mechanical Engineer trying to solve work problem - looking for input.
  42. Angle steel strength question
  43. Pizza Oven base
  44. Wheel Design Research
  45. Determining the correct tubing to use in an old design that specifies Dural AU4G
  46. Mass Inertia calculation of Planetary gearbox
  47. Mechanical Design
  48. Hydraulic schematic
  49. Torque Calculation
  50. Is it possible to build this product with machinery currently it is handmade.
  51. Beam capacity
  52. hydraulic actuators- mechanical synchronization
  53. Generic Part Manufacturability Check Sheet
  54. Stress and Moment calculation problem
  55. question about online beam calculator vs equation
  56. Blisk attachment to shaft inside turbine
  57. Losses in an air-flow system
  58. linkage - keep a component in horizontal position
  59. Design Jig and Fixture
  60. H bracket for an electric hoist
  61. What do you call the slider in this design
  62. Limit switch
  63. PE100 flate pipe end plate thickness calculation
  64. tolerances, machining and cost
  65. Automatic Window Help
  66. End cover is getting bend by Allen socket round head bolt
  67. Replacement Stainless Steel Bolts
  68. How to measure force generated by a tyre when it fails?
  69. Calculate deflection of pipe
  70. Chariot turning circle & axle placement
  71. Timing of 12hr Clock Mechanism/Mainspring Combination
  72. how to calculate bending momnet and bearing capacity of MS steel 25mm thk & area 1m2
  73. EPS Foam Design and Production
  74. Is power, torque and RPM a linear relationship?
  75. Torque required to move a wheeled weight
  76. Check Valve - Switch flow calculation
  77. We've added 30+ new Design Tools
  78. Gathering Ideas for a given interview task. PLEASE HELP!
  79. Seek advice on material for axle
  80. What is the equation for....
  81. Mixing Tank Calculation
  82. Gearing Ratio Question
  83. Help with C02 Canister Regulation
  84. Aluminum post/base strength
  85. Where can I learn about hinge design?
  86. Binding Ceramic to Silicone
  87. Looking for a specific Steel Shape Material chart
  88. 38CrNiMoAlA: Does it even exist?
  89. Linear force required
  90. Pneumatic Cylinder for door open/close
  91. Aluminum Tube Deflection
  92. Aluminum on plastic tolerance fit?
  93. compatibility question
  94. Structural Member: Built Section Vs Solid Plate
  95. Help needed: tube fatigue failure stress at clamp point calculation needed
  96. ISO 2768-2 Interpretation
  97. Fusing a nut to a lever (need ideas)
  98. Specificaton Revisions on Drawings
  99. Heat Transfer Simulation
  100. 'simple' spline calculation help pls