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Velocity Time Dilation for Object Equation and Calculator

Engineering Physics

Velocity Time Dilation for Object Equation and Calculator

The Lorentz Factor to calculate Speed Time Dilation
According to the Theory of Relativity also heat, pressure and magnetic fields slow  time.

t = to / [ 1 - ( V / c )2 ](1/2)


Time observed in the other reference frame = Time in observers own frame of reference / [ 1 - ( Velocity of moving object time / Speed of light )2 ] (1/2)

Special relativity states that time will pass at different rates in different reference frames. The time depends on the velocity of one reference frame relative to another. In one reference frame, two events will occur at the same position. In this reference frame, the time between the events is called "Time in observers own frame of reference", and is labeled to . In another reference frame, an observer will see the two events happen in different positions. In the observer's reference frame, the time between events is called "Time observed in the other reference frame", and is labeled t. The observer time is always larger than the proper time. This effect is called time dilation . Both to and t are measured in seconds (s).


Time Dilation velocity

t = time observed in the other reference frame (s)
to = time in observers own frame of reference (s), this time is some change of time in that frame (10 years = 315,360,000 seconds)
V = velocity of moving object time (m/s)
c = Speed of light in vacuum 299792458 m/s