Three Gears or Pulleys Force Calculations and Equations

Mechanics and Machines Calculations Menu

Use the following equation to determine the lifting force of the selected gear or pulley arrangement . A, B, C and D are the pitch circles of gears or pulleys.

Three Gears or Pulleys Force Calculations and Equations

F = [ W x r x r1 x r2 ]/[ R x R1 x R2 ]

W = [ F x R x R1 x R2 ]/[ r x r1 x r2 ]

Gear Pully Weight and Lift Force Calculator
Weight (lbs, N) =
Radius r (in, mm) =
Radius r1 (in, mm) =
Radius r2 (in, mm) =
Radius R (in, mm) =
Radius R1 (in, mm) =
Radius R2 (in, mm) =
Force Required F (lbs, N) =
Force Input (lbs, N) =
Radius R (in, mm) =
Radius R1 (in, mm) =
Radius R2 (in, mm) =
Radius r (in, mm) =
Radius r1 (in, mm) =
Radius r2 (in, mm) =
Weight Lifted = (lbs, N) =


W = Unknown weight (lbs, N)
F = Applied force (lbs, N)
Rn = Radius large diameter Pitch or pully belt diameter (in, mm)
rn = Radius small diameter or drive shaft (in, mm)

Let the pitch diameters of gears A, B, C and D be 30, 28, 12 and 10 inches, respectively.


R2 = 15;
R1 = 14
r1 = 6
r = 5
R = 12
r2 = 4

Then the force F required to lift a weight W of 2000 pounds, friction being neglected, is: 95 lbs

1 lbs = 4.4482216 Newtons
1 Newton = 0.2248089438709618


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