Metrology Conversion Equivalents Calculator

Engineering Calculators

Metrology is the science of measurement. Metrology includes all theoretical and practical aspects of measurement. The word comes from Greek μέτρον (metron), "measure" + "λόγος" (logos), amongst others meaning "speech, oration, discourse, quote, study, calculation, reason". In Ancient Greek the term μετρολογία (metrologia) meant "theory of ratios".

First, type the number you wish converted here :
Then, click radio buttons for desired conversion:
From: Angstrom Units
Surface Microinch
Surface Microns
Light Bands*
Precision tenths
Close Tol. thousandths
Metric mm
U.S. Inches
To: AngsTRom Units
Surface Microinches
Surface Microns
Light Bands*
Precision tenths
Close Tol. thousandths
MeTRic mm
U.S. Inches

* Monochromatic helium count